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United Nations Day 2014

The United Nations Day is observed on October 24th each year. This marks the anniversary of the  Charter of The United Nations.

According to the article in Wikipedia, International schools around the world celebrate this day every year though not necessarily right on the date.

Miss Kiki's school celebrated it today. The kids were all dressed up in costumes from all around Indonesia and the world. Last week I had suggested to Miss Kiki that she could wear her new Winnipeg Jets T-Shirt and jeans with her new Canada Olympic Hoodie and represent Canada. She reluctantly agreed, but was very relieved that I offered to rent her an Indonesian costume instead.

On Sunday we went to a rental company called UD Sinar Jaya in West Jakarta and I told her she could pick any one she wanted. Then she chose the sparkliest, brightest costume there was: The Balinese costume.

So today we got ready and I took her to school in full costume. When we got to school, the parking was already difficult so we had to park a bit far from the gate. We walked from the car and she already put smiles on faces of everyone on the streets. The drivers, motorcycle riders, pedestrians, and more. She was quite pleased about it. Lol

We had a class picture taken....

Then they lined up to do a costume show...

Here is her introduction...

Then they sang....

And they danced...

Then we took a bit more pictures....

Then we went outside where they already have an array of food, prepared by the parents and students from their home country. We had meatball and bakwan, pecel tray, noodles, eggtarts, sushi, pretzel, lasagna, spaghetti, onigiri, karaage, mochi, and many more. Miss Kiki and I made maple cookies, using pure Canadian Maple Syrup. She was very happy with them.

Miss Kiki and Friend
Miss Kiki and one of her teachers
Miss Kiki and friend
Happy UN Day!


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