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A Month in North America Part 5 - Winnipeg Weekend

It's Saturday! We had a date planned with our old partners in crime at our all time favourite Chinese restaurant: Sun Fortune. The weather was decent for a change and we were excited!

Getting ready
 RC and MG, your daughter is very expressive! So adorable!
My favourite picture!

Cute stare

And a little pout

Pork Chop with Spicy Salt

Satay Beef Chow Mein with vegetables

Prawns with dried chilli

Gai Lan with garlic

Selfie time

From Sun Fortune we went downtown to check out supposedly the best coffee place in Winnipeg. It was on Main Street a few doors over from Ted Motyka Dance Studio. It had no wifi, encouraging people to actually talk to each other, but I think it is more to discourage people from loitering there as they really lack seats. The coffee was okay, better than other ones we remember in Winnipeg, but Jakarta definitely has better coffee places (in terms of the beverage quality). We then moved over to "For the Love of The Game" a new concept cafe with shelves of board games. They sell food and also charge $5 per person if you play.

For dinner we had dinner with the family at home. It was an awesome steak dinner with home grown tomatoes and green beans, and much more stuff on the table. We were so full and way more than satisfied. The same evening Miss Kiki got introduced to the Mario and Yoshi on Nintendo wii...

When we used to live in Winnipeg, we had the Sunday Brunch Bunch. They are friends and students from dancing who like to get together and try different food every few Sundays. Dim Sum at Kum Koon Garden was one of our favourites, so we got together again for the one Sunday that we were there. We filled a big round table, and tried to catch up with stories of everyone's lives in the last 4 years over hot Chinese tea and food. Kum Koon Garden has the best dim sum I have ever tried. Quality and selection wise. 

Dim Sum version of Vietnamese Spring Roll

Egg Tarts

Fried Shrimp Dumpling with Mayonaise

Baked Coconut Buns

Shrimp Dumpling

Cakwe Rice Roll

Siu mai (steamed pork dumpling), siu long pau (Shanghai style steamed pork dumpling), and seafood dumpling

Some of the Sunday Brunch Bunch
 That evening, MM had organized a pot luck party in our honour so we can get together with a LOT of people all at once. We were overwhelmed with the number of people who took the time and made the effort to come. Some took time off work, some had to drive a few hours into the city from the cottage. To all of you who came, thank you so much! And a special thanks to MM and family and JW for organizing the event and letting us use the beautiful studio!

Unfortunately the picture-taking didn't start until almost the end of the event so we didn't have a picture with everyone who came.

I also want to take this opportunity to introduce my friends, without announcing their names to the www.

This is JL. If you are in the hotel business and need an excellent Director of Marketing he is the guy you want. :)

This is me and DH with JF and LF.

On the left is NP. He is one of the tech guys behind the new Museum of Human Rights. You've met MG and RC with their daughter...

On the left is MM, the co-owner of Ted Motyka Dance Studio. It is a beautiful dance studio where J.Lo and Richard Gere practiced for the movie Shall We Dance in 2003. Olivia Newton John and Patrick Swayze had also visited this studio.

Next to DH is W from the Canadian Air Forces. I love how he likes to say "Yes, Ma'am" :)

With DH here is TH, an architect. If I remember correctly she took part in the Winnipeg Richardson Airport project...

This is SJA, he is well travelled

With DH here fron the left are NR, RR, and DR. Oh you should see their garden's harvest (I saw the pictures!) they looked awesome! I also wanted to mention that DR is a highly educated lady and her field is related to labs, but I forgot what exactly. :( I really should've asked more details...

This is SF, the lady behind Blue Whimsy dolls. If you need a gift or custom dolls for birthdays,  weddings, and other events, please check hers out!

With TH here are SS and JW. SS owns and runs the best tent company in Winnipeg. JW is a highly educated Physics expert from the University of Manitoba.

Another person with really high education here on the right is NL, who is also a principal of a weekend math school.

On the left is JM, a very positive person who is a successful business owner in the IT field. In the middle is CS, the lady behind HauL-La. On the right is PS. He used to do Hungarian folk dancing.

There were many more people who came and sadly not photographed, WE the librarian, her brother DE and his wife V with their beeeautiful kids, PB and J and their daughter. J is a make up artist at MAC in the Bay Polo Park, by the way; DT the pharmacist and his wife E, also AD and her husband C with their baby daughter, and many more people I can not possibly mention one by one here.

We had a wonderful weekend... thank you...

Part 6 coming soon.


  1. Margaret just sent me the link to this. Such fond fun memories! Miss you, Sergei, & Kiki, & all the other friends I havenā€™t seen for ages. <3


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