Ted Motyka Dance Studio has several parties throughout the year. The Garden Party is an annual dance party that is held every spring/summer. It so happens that the only Saturday we spent in Winnipeg was the day of said party. Of course, we had to attend. After all, parties at Ted Motyka Dance Studio were a big part of our life back then. Oh have I ever mentioned that I met DH at this dance studio? Even Miss Kiki got a few dances... She was also busy going back and forth between the adults... And she got an internship job as a cashier... A lot of the regulars attended, so it was a great chance for us to see people we knew... Miss Kiki was very happy and she thoroughly enjoyed all the attention she received. Close to midnight, she ran out of juice and became very quiet... I squeezed in a few dances before we wrapped up and went home. On the next day, we got up later than usual. We made a short shopping trip with MM to the new outlet mall. From the o...
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