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Japan Trip June 2016 - Part 8 Kyoto

This post is the continuation of Part 7 - Fushimi Inari Taisha.

We decided to spend the rest of the day in the famous Gion area, and our first stop was Starbucks there. This Starbucks location was located right by the river and they have 2 seating levels. The river level and the street level. The outdoor seating did not open until around 4 pm.

These pictures are taken on a bridge by Starbucks...

Wakai shoes with Yukata
And of course we had to take pictures with the Starbucks sign :D

As soon as we had enough rest, we walked along the riverside... Miss Kiki was very happy to be able to have done so.

Leisure walks like this allowed me to utilize the nicer camera and take nicer pictures. It's been a long while and I was glad I got to do it again.

We finally reached Gion area and we walked the main street and looked at the shops. It started drizzling for a while so we waited it out and headed back afterwards.

We found a store that sold Japanese Sake flavoured KitKat, so we decided to try it. It did taste like sake but sweet. Pretty good! Miss Kiki also liked it.

We had dinner at one of the buildings attached to the Kyoto Station. It was another Katsu Restaurant. On the way there, we passed this Cafe that served Maiko Cappuccino. Cute! That evening I also bought a furoshiki handle and fabric at RAAK in Kyoto Station. I've been eyeing them since my previous visit to Japan some 3 years ago. I finally got it!

On the way back to the apartment, we decided to take a detour and went to a mall nearby and we found a Muji store there. Muji happened to have a men's Jinbei on sale so we bought DH one for Father's Day.

That's all, folks! Stay tuned for Part 9!


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