I have been absent from this blog for about a couple of months, I know. My new web store took a lot of time and effort to set up and launch. It is a collaboration between two full time moms with too many hobbies and passion. Please check it out at www.clickandstitch.com . Now this post is very important because Miss Kiki just turned 7! In the last 4 years, Miss Kiki had celebrated her birthdays at school, Montessori style. Since she is now in Grade 1 in a non-Montessori school, I was curious to see how she would perceive the differences and what the kids do in the new school for their birthdays. To make it extra special, I asked her what she wanted to have for lunch that day. She decided (it was a very quick decision too) that she wanted sushi from Kaihomaru. The Japanese restaurant is our favourite for sushi and is located in Pondok Indah, not too far from the school. In the morning I called to order take out and was told that the restaurant would not be op...
Travel reports, thoughts, opinions, recipes, tips, tutorials, from a Mama