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Showing posts from January, 2011

Team work

Parenting is no small task. There's no defined line of right or wrong, most moms and dads go abouts raising their children hoping for the best for each of them. Hubby and I included. Being raised from two different families, two different countries with distinct cultures, it's not easy to combine our past experiences as a child into parenting our little Miss Kiki. One day I would think that hubby doesn't have enough patience, other days he thinks I'm too easy going, or vice versa. Each of us have strength in different things. We do our best to play it to our advantage. There's an incident, though, a few days ago which inspired me to write this post. Miss Kiki and I had been sick for about 2 weeks and the doctor gave us antibiotics. Where we are right now, they don't sell antibiotics in sweet suspension form that they do in Canada. Medicine here is given in powder form, to be mixed with about a teaspoon of water and you're supposed to make your child drin...

Happy New Year!

I know I've been MIA and I have a good excuse for it! I promise I'll get my cheeks off the chair and start blogging again. Right now, however, with my pathetic internet connection, I would like to wish you all a very happy new year from Indonesia. May this year be blessed!